1. The installer already added an exception to your Windows Firewall. If you are using another firewall allow the ContaCam web server port through your firewall.
  2. In the web interface of your router/modem port forward the ContaCam web server port to the computer where ContaCam is installed. Check the router/modem users manual for port forwarding or read this.
  3. With the following online tool make sure that the forwarded port is open.
  4. Now it's possible to reach the camera(s) from the internet through your public IP with http://a.b.c.d:port where a.b.c.d is your public IP (read your public IP here).
  5. If your public IP is dynamic (changing sometimes) you better subscribe to a free dynamic IP service like freedns and install their client software on your computer or configure the update url in your router/modem. After that's done it's possible to access the camera(s) with the chosen name (remember to specify the ContaCam web server port in the url).

Note: get the ContaCam web server port number from ContaCam's Global Settings dialog.