All the software from are Donationware, it is requested to donate $10 USD per installation to cover the costs. Software and web site are completely FREE FROM ADS. The source code is published under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

Note: it's not necessary to have a Paypal account to donate, after clicking on the above button choose to "Donate with a Debit or Credit Card".

If Paypal is not working in your country, there are donation alternatives.


2. Download & install

Download the setup file and execute it to install the wished software on your PC.


3. Remove "NO DONATION" text

Start the installed program and head to its Help menu. Now select License and Donation and enter the email you used while donating.

Remove NO DONATION text


Legal notice: by making a donation to the projects you signify that you acknowledged, understood, accepted, and agreed to the terms and conditions contained in this notice. Your donation to the projects is to cover the costs of software development and web site maintenance and is not a fee for any services, goods, or advantages, and making a donation to the projects does not entitle you to any services, goods, or advantages. We have the right to use the money you donate to the projects in any lawful way and for any lawful purpose we see fit and we are not obligated to disclose the way and purpose to any party unless required by applicable law. projects do not have any tax exempt status ( is neither a registered non-profit corporation nor a registered charity in any country). Your donation may or may not be tax-deductible; please consult this with your tax advisor. We will not publish/disclose your name and email address without your consent, unless required by applicable law. Your donation is non-refundable.

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