On old system

  1. Close ContaCam with File - Exit.
  2. Export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Contaware\ContaCam to an external drive or network share with regedit.exe (right-click on the key to see the Export menu entry).
    or if using ini files:
    Copy ContaCam.ini to an external drive or network share.
  3. Backup (copy with File Explorer) all the folders under the ContaCam camera folder (usually C:\ContaCam) to an external drive or network share.

On new system

  1. Install ContaCam and when done remember to close ContaCam through File - Exit.
  2. Restore the registry configurations by double-clicking the above created .reg file.
    or if using ini files:
    Restore ContaCam.ini to its original location.
  3. Restore (copy with File Explorer) all the folders to the new ContaCam camera folder (usually C:\ContaCam).
  4. If the hard-disk drive letter has been changed then correct the path for the following registry / ini file entries: for each camera RecordAutoSaveDir and under GeneralApp MicroApacheDocRoot, MicroApacheCertFileSSL, MicroApacheKeyFileSSL.