Before buying a cloud camera make sure it supports third-party software through RTSP protocol


ContaCam supports the following devices

  1. Network / IP Cameras from 4XEM, 7Links, A-Link, ABS, ABUS, Acromedia, ACTi, Activa, Active, Agasio, AirLink, AirLive, ALinking, Allnet, Amcrest, Apexis, Appro, Arecont Vision, Asante, ASIP, Asoni, Aviosys, Aviptek, AVS, Axis, Aztech, Beward, BiQu, BluePix, BlueStork, Bosch, Bowya, BSTI, BVUSA, Canon, Celius, Cellvision, Cisco, Clas, CNB, Compro, Conceptronic, ConnectionNC, corega, cowKey, CVLM, D-Link, Dahua, Defender, Dekco, Dericam, Digi-Lan, Digicom, Digitus, Digoo, EasyN, EasySE, Edimax, Elro, Eminent, EMSTONE, Encore, Eneo, ENSIDIO, Escam, EyeSight, Eyseo, EZCam, Ezviz, FalconEye, Fitivision, Floureon, Foscam, GadSpot, Gembird, Genius, GeoVision, GKB, Goscam, Grand, Grandtec, Hama, Hamlet, Hawking, HDL, Heden, HeimVision, Hesavision, HiKam, Hikvision, HooToo, Hungtek, Hunt, ICam, iCam+, Imogen, INSTAR, Intellinet, INVID, IPUX, IP Webcam (Pro) for Android, JideTech, JVC, KARE, Kucam, LevelOne, LinkPro, Linksys, Loftek, LogiLink, Logitech, LongShine, Lorex, LTS, Lupus, Marmitek, Maygion, Merit, MESSOA, Micronet, Mobotix, Monacor, MonoPrice, Moxa, NetComm, NetMedia, NeuFusion, NexGadget, Nilox, NorthQ, NuSpectra, Orite, Ovislink, Panasonic, Piczel, Pixord, Planet, Planex, PROCCTV, QNAP, Quimz, Reolink, Repotec, Rimax, Rosewill, Samsung, Savitmicro, Security, Sercomm, Sertek, Seteye, Sharx, Sitecom, Skyway Security, Smarthome, SmartIndustry, Solwise, Sony, Sparklan, Speco, Sricam, Stardot, Storage Options, Sumpple, Surecom, SVAT, Swann, Sweex, TCLINK, TELCA, Telefonica, Tenvis, Topcom, Topica, Toshiba, TP-Link, TrendNet, Trendware, Trust, TSM, Ubiquiti, Uokoo, Veo, Veo/Vidi, VISIONxIP, Vivotek, Vonnic, VStarCam, Wanscam, Wansview, Well, WowWee, Wyze, X10, Xenta, Xiaomi, XTS, Yawcam, Y-cam, Yoko, Yudor, Zavio, Zmodo, Zonet, ZyXEL.
  2. USB webcams with Windows drivers (WDM drivers).
  3. DV cameras on the firewire port.
  4. PCI, PCIe and USB capture devices with Windows drivers (WDM drivers).

ContaCam cannot support some cloud cameras

  • Because of economical, security or technical reasons some cloud camera producers are limiting the camera access to their own applications. Often they employ custom/proprietary feeds which are not standardized. Without the RTSP protocol support no third-party application can connect to your cloud camera.
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